2024 RFP: Frequently Asked Questions


2024-DOC 00013
Published On: 09/06/2024

Question: Could you please clarify if Solar Anywhere is acceptable for any of the proposal tracks?

Answer: Solar Anywhere is not acceptable. Please refer to guidance provided in FAQs 2024-DOC 00009 & 2024-DOC 00004. Meteonorm or SolCast are acceptable.

2024-DOC 00012
Published On: 09/06/2024

Question: Could you please clarify which proposal tracks these modeling requirements apply to: Exhibit A-4 – PPA guidance PVsyst Parameters and Modeling Assumptions?

Answer: The modeling assumptions document provides guidance for the PPA proposals and is required for the UOT proposals.

2024-DOC 00011 (revised 08/30/2024)
Published On: 08/28/2024

Question: Can you confirm that production model meteorological data must be sourced from Meteonorm? Are alternate sources such as Solar Anywhere acceptable? Does this requirement apply to all tracks (PPA, UOT, BTO)?

Answer: Please refer to guidance provided in FAQs 2024-DOC 00009 & 2024-DOC 00004, available at www.dukeenergyrfpcarolinas.com/2024-FAQ/2024-Documents. Meteonorm or SolCast are acceptable. Solar Anywhere will not be acceptable.

2024-DOC 00010
Published On: 08/22/2024

Question: Is an electrical model required with the proposal submission? Where can I find more information on the model requirements?

Answer: For PPA proposals, review the "PPA guidance PVsyst Parameters and Modeling Assumptions" document, available at https://www.dukeenergyrfpcarolinas.com/2024-RFP-Documents.

2024-DOC 00009
Published On: 08/21/2024

Question: For the PVsyst requirements, is there a reason why the Meteo File Data Source changed from SolCast (DEC & DEP 2023 RFP) to Meteonorm (DEC & DEP 2024 RFP)? Last year, some bidders subscribed to SolCast solely to participate in the DEC & DEP 2023 RFP.

Answer: For Exhibit A-4 – Attachment – PVsyst Parameters and Modeling Assumptions: Based on Market Participant feedback from the 2023 RFP regarding the requirement to use a Meteo File Data Source service that requires a fee, Duke Energy reevaluated suppliers and found Meteonorm acceptable. Meteonorm weather files are available within PVsyst and require no additional subscription or financial burden. However, Duke Energy will still accept Solcast as an alternative weather source for purposes of the 2024 RFP.

2024-DOC 00008
Published On: 08/19/2024

Question: Regarding the UOT technical guidance discussed in Appendix I-1, can Duke confirm if the 100' project boundary setback includes the fence?

Answer: The 100’ setback is intended to denote a setback from the property line where equipment is typically not permitted or for general good practice not advisable to site. Project fencing is generally assumed to be allowable within this 100’ setback guidance.

2024-DOC 00007
Published On: 08/19/2024

Question: Are SLDs required to be stamped by a PE?

Answer: Yes, the single line diagram (SLD) provided should be a signed, stamped drawing.

2024-DOC 00006
Published On: 08/13/2024

Question: The Approved Vendor List (AVL) says that Sungrow inverters "may be considered if submitted as a cost alternative line item." Can you please explain what this means and how it should be done?

Answer: Sungrow inverters are currently an acceptable inverter supplier on the AVL on a project by project exception basis.

For Asset Transfer proposals, Market Participants are able to submit Utility Ownership Track proposals utilizing Sungrow inverters; however, the Utility Ownership Team reserves the right to require the Market Participant to change the inverter supplier to an AVL compliant supplier upon request.

For BOT proposals, Market Participants must submit a proposal utilizing an AVL compliant supplier (TMEIC or SMA); however, they may also provide a bid alternative with Sungrow as a “separate cost alternative line item.” Only one bid form is required, and the price difference should be clearly noted by the Market Participant. The Utility Ownership Team then has discretion to accept the bid alternative with Sungrow or not. 

2024-DOC 00005
Published On: 08/12/2024

Question: Is a site plan required for projects submitting into the UOT Asset-Transfer track? If so, what are the site layout requirements? Are they all included Appendix I1? Will there be any forthcoming site layout requirements as seen in the '23 RFP Appendix I1?

Answer: Minimum technical deliverables for Asset Transfer proposals are provided in Appendix I-1. A site plan is not required, however, Market Participants are encouraged to include one in their proposal submittal if one is available.

2024-DOC 00004
Published On: 08/09/2024

Question: On subsection "C. PRODUCTION ESTIMATES" of section "IX. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION" of the "DEC DEP 2024 RFP Document", it is mentioned that all Proposals should see Appendix I in connection to the PVSyst requirements or specifications. However, on the RFP's website (https://www.dukeenergyrfpcarolinas.com > 2024 RFP: Documents), there is no such Appendix I. Could you please clarify which exact document Market Participants have to review in connection to the PVSyst requirements or specifications? Thank you!

Answer: For PPA track bids, the MP is responsible for the development and submittal of a proposal’s PVSyst production profile in accordance with the guidance included in the Appendix L – Solar BESS EPC Agreement Exhibits. Please see the 2024 RFP Document titled “PPA guidance PVsyst Parameters and Modeling Assumptions.pdf” taken from the Appendix L – Solar BESS EPC Agreement Exhibits and now available for MPs on the 2024 RFP Website.  

Appendices I1-I4 apply to UOT bids only. For Asset Transfer bids, the Utility Ownership Team will develop and provide the IE with the proposal’s energy production profile. For BOT projects, the MP is responsible for developing and providing the PVSyst production profile in accordance with the guidance of Appendix I2.

2024-DOC 00003
Published On: 07/29/2024

Question: In the 2024 RFP, the title "C. REQUIREMENT TO BID SPS RESOURCES AS NEW SOLAR-ONLY" implies that SPS projects are required to also bid as solar-only. Is this interpretation correct?

Answer: Correct, all projects submitted in the 2024 RFP will be required to submit a solar-only proposal and may opt to also submit a solar-plus-storage proposal. This requirement is unchanged from the 2023 RFP.

2024-DOC 00002
Published On: 07/24/2024

Question: Will projects that failed to submit a NOIR by August 15 be disqualified from participating in the RFP?

Answer: No, respondents for projects will not be disqualified if they failed to submit the Notice of Intent to Respond form by August 15. Respondents are encouraged to submit this non-binding form by the due date.

2024-DOC 00001
Published On: 07/16/2024

Question: The RFP mentiones "Grid locational guidance identifying transmission constraints" will be available on the IE webiste. Where can I find that?

Answer: The grid locational guidance document is now available on the IE's website, https://www.dukeenergyrfpcarolinas.com/2024-RFP-Documents